Recycling Mini-Grant Program
The Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority (CCRRA) Recycling Mini-Grant Program is intended to provide reimbursement grant funds for Centre County based projects that improve recycling education and collection of materials to be processed by CCRRA. Grant funds are made available based upon the market performance of recycling commodities processed by CCRRA for the prior calendar year. Funding levels are subject to change each year.
Eligible applicants include: Centre County municipalities, businesses, recycling collection haulers, schools (K-12 and post-secondary), healthcare institutions and non-profits. Eligible applicants must be in compliance with solid waste ordinances for their municipality. Joint applications will be considered for larger funding awards.
Ineligible applicants include: recycling processors, brokers or transportation companies.
CCRRA mini-grants are designed to assist in funding small to mid-range dollar amount projects. They are not intended to fund Act 101 902 eligible expenses for municipalities.
- Mini-grants may range from $1,000 - $15,000
- All mini-grants require a minimum cash match of 50% of the award
- Mini-grants are reimbursement grants. Funds distributed upon receipt of documented expenses and proof of payment
This will be a competitive grant selection evaluated in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Guidelines and Instructions linked below.
Awards announced October 28, 2024. Projects must be completed within one year of the date awarded. Disbursement requests and required receipts and proof of payment for reimbursement must be submitted by December 1, 2025.
Successful applicants are required to complete a progress report detailing the impact on their project on improving recycling education or collection of materials. Progress reports due one (1) year from the distribution of funds.
Grant applications accepted until Friday, October 4, 2024.
Links to ROUND ONE I Mini-Grant Program
ROUND ONE I Mini-Grant Application
Mini-Grant Guidelines and Instructions
Mini-Grant Application Worksheet (fill this out for your own use before completing Google Form Application)
Mini-Grant Project Budget Worksheet
Questions regarding the Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority’s mini-grant program should be directed to Mimi Cooper, CCRRA Recycling Coordinator or by phone at 814-238-7005.